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Junior Bible Quiz

Junior Bible Quiz (JBQ) is a program designed to engage kids (ages 6-12) in the study and memorization of the Bible. In JBQ, kids study specific questions of the Bible found in a FactPak. These questions usually focus on memorizing key verses, facts, and details from the Bible. They then participate in quiz competitions where they are asked questions related to the material they've studied. These competitions can be held locally within a church, or on a larger scale involving multiple churches or regions.

2024-2025 Season

2024 - 2025 Schedule

League Meet #1 - October 5

League Meet #2 - November 16

League Meet #3 - January 11

League Meet #4 - February 1

League Meet #5 - March 1

State Meet - March 29


Pee Wee - $50 per team / Discover - $80 per team / Searcher - $80 per team

Junior Bible Quiz Coordinator

Angie Squires |

JBQ National Website

Teen Bible Quiz

Teen Bible Quiz (TBQ) is a program similar to Junior Bible Quiz (JBQ), but it is geared towards teenagers (ages 12 - 18). In TBQ, students study and memorize larger portions of the Bible, often focusing on entire books or significant sections of Scripture. Similar to JBQ, TBQ students compete in quiz competitions where they are asked questions about the material they have studied. These competitions can range from local events within a church to larger-scale tournaments involving multiple churches, regions, or even states.

Teen Bible Quiz Coordinator

Roger Dutcher |

TBQ National Webiste

Teaching Kids and Teens the Word of God is alive and active. 



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